Saturday, 7 May 2011

Open Source Payroll Software

The trend of computerization and connection to the internet has become the benchmark of a successful company. In the times gone by calculating the tax and the other jobs proved to be financially draining because it needed specialized hands that called for expensive hiring on the part of the company leading to the steep hike in the price of the product. 

The open source Payroll Software was in fact introduced to precisely target this unfortunate situation. In few years time sit proved its worth because the companies were able to perform the complex tax calculations on their own without the need for outsourcing the task to some other companies. It had a major effect on the working but there were hiccups in the way since the software that was available from the companies required that the client or the customer was needed to pay a definitive amount upfront to renew the license of the software on yearly basis. The organizations who operated on shoe string budgets were not able to pay and it lead to their downfall because it took into account the proprietary issues as well.  The need of the hour was a free product that provided all the facilities and would only require onetime payment that would make the software a permanent property of the customers.

The open source system is cheap and can be used on different operating softwares. There are no issues if you are using them on   different file systems because they are perfectly compatible. In addition there are different features that make it almost equal to the licensed version. The most important quality is that it is an internet based application and not a stand alone. Therefore you do not need to purchase copyrights for multiple users as it happens in the software that is installed on the local area network. There is no nagging provision of the keys. In these type of software you just need to pay nominal charges that are defines as the expenses for using the virtual storage space of the web server. It can be accessed by the user from all over the world. It is possible for you to enter and create data with all the TDS and the provident fund information at one place and get the reports from the remote machine on your system.

The system requirement specification for the Payroll Software is explained in great detail ate the website. Most of the payroll software or systems have advanced graphics but it does not worry the user because the software is at the website and is not installed at his place so the system requirement takes a backset because any configuration that is able to run the browser helps you to accomplish the above task. The open source works like any other normal software that helps to process the salary checks and also includes a provision of change in the calculation whenever there is a change in the policy of the government.

It provides a read only access to the previous records that is the salary of the previous month because if it is allowed then people might just change the data leading to unscrupulous practices in the business.  The resynchronization of the data with the previous one is very crucial and helps in pointing out the lacuna in entering the data of the salary. It has the advanced feature of assigning the upper limit of the pay package for income tax processing.

For more information on payroll software, visit our web site: